THIS is a page
im working on about python - not much there yet.

--this one is meant to excersize my artistic side, not be so,,, concrete--
skeletons on the prowl
on your soul they will gnaw
ripping flesh from your body with they're slender claws

they have risen from the grave
they are anything but tame
you're body they will re-arrange

welcome to the apocalypse
yesteryear is gone, and you didn't give a shit
now you're doomed, so face it

they crawl from their graves creeping in the twilight
they might invade your home tonight
nothing can save you from this devils plight

worse than a rabid Pitbull
letting nightmares unfold
this is the horror show

skeletons on the prowl
they might be coming for you now
they want your flesh, be gone now!

this is my latest writing, i think it kind of sucks, but i was
just being silly :)

im not a rapper or a poet
im a cool schizo on psychiatrists shit list
whipping my ass with trump, here, need a paper ticket?
and if i have to listen to just one more so called star give their version of advice?
i just might go ballistic

i like mcdonalds, except when they get my order wrong
if i weren't on probation i would be toking up like Cheech & chong
im an ordinary cool guy, hiding my bong

haha, that was just a joke
i dont toke the THC smoke
my PO wouidnt be too happy, she would hang me from a rope

but enough about weed
until im off of probation at least

but can i be serious for a second?
i believe those words Rodney king did recommend
cant we all just get along? i hate the hate till no end
today on facebook i seen a black dood asking white people to be his friend
and its like, hell yeah, i'll totally be his friend, all the way till the end, cause with that kind of purity, racism might end

ok, now back to the shits and giggles for fun
i may not be as good as some
but i still got rhymes by the tons

this is easy to me
so it makes me feel corny
like even my serious rhymes seem to have no meaning
cause i can write em up in minutes, so its hard for me, to believe, that they're good homey

here are some more i did today, seperated by "###"

my mother only likes my positive rhymes
but life isn't always positive like trying to make a dollar with a nickel and
a dime
at least i think im done rhyming about suicide

people can be bigots towards me
cause that schizo disease
runs rampant thru me

and im on probation and commitment as if im public enemy number 1
if they want me to succeed so much why are they predicting my outcome
im not a crook, i haven't even begun
i know better, i dont even want a gun
schizophrenia and a gun could lead me to do something dumb
and thats why i would never get one
in fact someone in our kiddie gang in school wanted to get us guns
and thats when i turned us all in because guns would have ended the fun
we were 14 years old with no enemies, what were we going to do, play real life duck hunt?

but they insist that im an idiot
then they wonder why i feel like shit
and complain a bit

anyways, no, life is not always on the brighter side of things
some of the things in my life even make ME cringe
like hearing voices scream at me, which might make me go on a drug binge...
... to escape, and from my perspective, thats not different than my Haldol syringe 

still i try to do my best with what i got
it might not be a lot
but this isn't the life i want
like it or not

so mom, i love you lots, but sometimes i gotta get this shit out of me
and its better to do it in art than to simply scream
i mean, I've even heard demons yelling at me
but im glad when you do like my rhymes, even if they have to be filled
with positivity

his isn't dedicated to anyone specific,
its dedicated to ALL of my family and ALL
of my friends 😮)
a smile on your face makes me happy as well
you've often gotten me out of my living hell
its to you all my secrets i tell

i trust you more than most
its about our friendship i boast
you've got a killer heart, you're the host

if i ever win the lottery, im buying you a house right next to mine
and since my current job is buying lottery tickets, im just certain i'll win 
in time
wont you be, wont you be, wont you be my neighbor, friend of mine?

man, you're so cool, i can be a total nerd around you
you're so smart, that i can be a total fool
and yes, you cook so well that it makes me drool!

i dream of the good old days when we were back in school
no, i really mean this, i dream i finish high school, with guess who? 
thats right, YOU!
i think i might even love you, but im not so sure thats cool, well dood, 
you deserve it

tried to take my own life more times than i can count
as if deaths price is on discount
because life with schizo is hard when its all rounded out

brought myself out of the shit hole
not sure how, but God knows
on the path to brighter days and thats how it goes

Got a handful of friends left, its a start
man, i used to think i had it figured out, thought i was so smart
now i flow my suicidal thoughts into art

i dont really want to die
but i gotta ask why...
... some have it so easy and i was held back at the start line
hoping i figure it out before the finish line
spent a large portion of my life inside my mind
doing time
now im looking back at it all on rewind

i trust God with my life now
i always knew he existed, but its different now
im actually reading my bible, do you? it makes me calm some how

i am slowly finding peace within
trying not to sin
yes, my relationship with God is a beautiful thing

but so to is my life and what i have made of it
too many go thru life simply not giving a shit
but if they hit bottom like i did, they might actually get it

===i've posted the following video somewhere
===else once before, maybe on my livjounral account
===but its just as good as it always was :)



rays of the sun shine down
today i feel no reason to frown
maybe im finally on the rebound

you see...
... i figured out today that God loves me
and heaven is real homie

no more reason to cry
there is an afterlife
and i'll see everyone there one the flipside

even my buddy james
nobody will be to blame...
... for lifes wicked game

yeah, i think i feel alright today
how can i not? even when i wasn't certain - i prayed


they assume you're prepared for lifes trials
but if you look in their eyes, you can see their denials
as they push you over the edge till you reach for the jack danials

and if we live in a civilized world like we thought
why can your rightenous with dollar bills be bought
why is it rich criminals never get caught

i wish i could smile today
i wish i could take the pain away
i wish i didn't have to worry about what might come my way
... due to lack of money and political plugs

so forgive me if i hide my worries behind legal drugs


i never claimed i was the best
sometimes i even have to pray to get rest
just tired of me and those around me struggling i guess.




i am the ghost in the night
giving you fright
beneath the pale moon light

i am the warlock, the witch
the son of a bitch
watching the ditch digger dig another ditch

im the reckless devil out to steal your soul
i am the fear destroying everything you behold
it is to me your soul was sold

i am the maniac out of control
i pick you up making you feel like gold
then i drop you making your demise unfold



just kind of a silly poem i did.
drinking coffee again, more than i should
it might cause anxiety, but it taste so good

i need to fulfill my caffeine fix
it helps me write poems like this
i swear that nescafe mixed with milk is a piece of bliss

it aint all bad when i have some coffee
so what if it causes some anxiety?
its totally worth it to me

3 scoops, no more, no less
with just a bit of milk, its the best
but i know tonight i will get no rest

so here's to coffee, Americas breakfast
omg now im nervous, i hope it doesn't last


i am posting the below poem again, even tho i have previously posted it. why?
because googles AI thought it was super good, and i like it too :) dont let
the violence in the poem be misleading, i wouldnt harm a fly. i just express
my anger as if i really would hurt someone.
You're reading the thoughts of a mastermind
time is money, so quit wasting my fuckin' time
here to align my forces, and draw the line
cutting off your bullshit with a little rhyme
don't need a  gun, this here baseball bat is just fine
Now recognize you pushed me to this
severely pissed
and I don't miss
nah, it aint about crime, aint about niggas and bitches
aint about nice cars, aint about riches
you're looking at a REAL SCHIZO, that's what this is
so if I flaunt my style, aint nothing to it, schizophrenia made me do it
if I kill a mass shooter, aint nothing to it, schizophrenia made me do it
if I rock the party like im wild, aint nothing to it, schizophrenia made me do it
if I stand for the police, aint nothing to it, I respect them and their hardwork, 
you should too
was at the PO today, seen a bunch of flakes
Im there for a mistake
those morons don't have a brain
A bit of warlock, mixed with druid, mixed with Christianity
that's what you get when you're fuckin' with me
I'll hex you, hack off your arm, and then pray homey



man, i wish i could explain this pain within me
like how sometimes, sometimes it feels good to bleed
yes, sometimes blue blood turning red is needed

and maybe its as simple as that
no more tricks beneath my hat
no more miracles, no more this or that
for the love of the game?
i simply love to bat...

you see, my game of life was rigged almost from the start
bad brains even tho i had a good heart

like an old friend back in town for a visit...
sadness comes rolling in to say "hello nick"

tired of this life, but i'll keep truckin'
i just hope that soon God teaches me somethin'

--- here we go, allllll over again -----

i am a man, i am not a child so i have put away childish ways
praying for a day we can put the brawn and the guns away
asking Jesus to save the day

i want my brains to speak for me
as we dance thru the conversation ever so delicately

words can plant seeds, words can help the oppressed breath
so i slang my words like a new drug relentlessly

inviting your words to introduce themselves, "come play with me"

words are power.. i wish these wars would be solved with diplomacy

word can hang out with other words, thats when they become books
dont give me those kinds of looks

just trying to find something happy to rhyme about
so tired of the schizophrenia wah wah wah my life sucks pout

i remember my conversations with people around the globe over the internet highways
in all honesty i been thinking about getting back into hacking, 
but if i got caught that cell would rott by brain sideways

like they say, dont do the crime if you can't do the time
and im almost certain i could do the time, 
but i'd rather be on the outside enjoying my life

these rhymes may not make sense to you
but at the very least they are filling up my time and getting me thru

it's easy to be angry and aggressive, but to hold back takes just a little 
more work
i mean, just who the heck taught all these people today that its ok to be a 

I've been thru hell and back
my words have shown that
just wait, one day the stores will sell muskego, Wisconsin baseball hats